If you’re reading this then I already know you know how food cravings feels, I hear phrases like, out-of-control, the food’s controlling me, I can’t help myself, zoned out eating, comfort eating, secret eating.
And it occurs for many different reasons.
The over-eating strategy
The bottom-line is that it really is a strategy and it’s been learned, either from others or created by you, as a means for not feeling something else. Whether it’s just so you can have something just for you, or because you’re split every which way where this is something just for you.
Perhaps it’s that the kitchen is your domain, and another area of control, where you dictate what goes into the store-cupboards and fridge. It can be very much about control, especially when lots of other areas in life, and people make you feel blown around by circumstances, their behaviour, kids growing up and making their own way, not needing you quite so much, work, partner, having to do everything yourself, etc.
It may be none of these, and if that’s so just thing what yours is.
Wanting to find the control to eat less
What must be understood is that this pattern of compulsive behaviour is just that, it’s a behaviour you learned to do at some point but the good news is you can un-learn it as well.
I was working with a group for the day, and when we got to the Food Cravings segment one lady in particular stood out. Her desire to eat a shop-bought meringue nest was such that she had us all laughing. We had some fun with the wording to work through it and everyone else benefited from her need, because she was just saying what everyone else was thinking.
Two hours passed and she’d not been tempted and said her children wouldn’t believe she could have gone that long without caving in, an hour later she threw it in the bin. She was surprised at both how hard it was to resist eating it at the beginning, that she’d turned it down after such a strong urge, how quickly it changed and all the things that lay behind it, among which was that ‘someone had taken the time to make it’. This actually harked back to her mum making them in the kitchen when she was a kid. Does some of this already sound familiar?
Food Cravings Service
Working on your comfort eating is about realigning with yourself, so you stop getting those pangs of having to reach for unwanted items when you’re not even hungry.
Changing your food cravings gives you have a chance to bring along all the things you’d like to start resisting more, your poisons of choice. If you’re someone who just overeats everything at certain times of the day or month, in other words anything will do, the root cause will show itself to make it be different
Then we work through the items and reduce the craving one-by-one.
- Food cravings
- Addressing what stops your success
- Explores your personal demons
- Teaches you how to work on your own when you need it
- Helps you get off-the-hamster-wheel habit
- Helps you to eat what you love and still lose weight
- Gets you off the dieting roundabout
This releases the emotional torment that keeps you dancing around it, which is freeing in itself. It subsequently helps the body to get off the dieting roundabout and instead it addresses all your basic triggers around certain foods, their associations, so you become impartial and take back the control.
This is carried out in a number of ways fitted to suit you best.
There is a Special Offer below this – take a look and book your one-off Food Cravings Session Today, knowing that you can take it off a full package if you chose to upgrade to more sessions! This is a one and a half-hour session which presents a great opportunity to address all your Food Cravings, understand how they trigger you and test out the techniques and working together.
At the same time if this turns out to be enough for you then excellent, I’ll celebrate too!
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Working with Jane
Changing unwanted patterns with all-things-food makes an enormous difference to everything else, especially how you feel about yourself.
When it comes to making better decisions, addressing what stops you is a very good place to start. Are you ready to take the plunge?
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