[captionpix imgalt=”Eating Too Much” align=”right” imgsrc=”http://www.kickthedietinghabit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/fresh-veg.jpg” captiontext=”Fresh Vegetables Help Curb Appetite”]
One way to change your food habits and start to drop some weight is by eating differently, and it that sounds like full-speed-ahead on the dieting front – it’s not.
What does it mean then?
The Alkaline Way
Have you ever met anyone who has cured themselves of a terminal illness? One of the ways it can be done is by changing the sorts of foods they eat.
The thinking sits around regaining a balanced healthy body, and this can be achieved by lessening the acidic food-intake which means increasing the alkaline foods, but be warned these are not exiting foods that have you drooling from the offset.
[captionpix imgalt=”Eating Too Much” width=”200″ imgsrc=”http://www.kickthedietinghabit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/green-beans-and-pulses.jpg” captiontext=”Simple Food Can Change Everything”]
The aim is to finely retune the pH of the body and reduce acidic foods, which send the system off-kilter. It’s intended to bring everything into harmony and in turn can help to reduce the intake of foods (or non-foods) that contain larger percentages of refined salts, fats and sugars. They work on the bodies internal system while simultaneously altering your taste-buds, so you lose those craving urges.
Addressing Food Cravings
Of course there are other ways to address cravings and everything on this site aims to share natural non-intrusive methods, and this is one option worth considering.
The bottom-line says you cannot have your cake and eat it too. But in time you can certainly have cake or any other previously loved non-food desirable you fancy.
But the really good news is that this plan is intended to use as a temporary eating system with the specific goal of helping you restore good health and gut bacteria into a system that has been allowed to do its own thing for too long, a bit like an unruly teenager. And I know more than most how both of those feel.
The Benefits Of Changing Poor Eating Patterns
[captionpix imgalt=”Eating Too Much” align=”right” width=”200″ imgsrc=”http://www.kickthedietinghabit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/lost-weight-lose-jeans.jpg” captiontext=”Once You Start To See A Difference”]
But the benefits can be outstanding among which are these:
- Renewed energy
- A slim, trim figure
- A new image
- Renewed or fresh confidence
- Less running to the cupboard / fridge / shop for sneaky snacks
So is this something you’d be willing to try, can you stomach it? Are you up for the challenge, perhaps you’re sick and need to change your diet temporarily anyway, so you can give yourself a fighting chance.
We’ll look at those ALKALINE foods next time and see if you are prepared to meet the challenge.
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