[captionpix align=”left” width=”150″ imgalt=”Techniques” imgsrc=”http://www.abcsimpleas.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/aamet-uber-clear.png” imglink=”http://www.aamet.org” captiontext=”AAMET EFT”]
The EFT Tapping technique (Emotional Freedom Technique) has been around for approximately 2-decades but is probably the fastest growing alternative treatment in the western hemisphere at the moment.
EFT For Health
Gary Craig took a TFT (Thought Field Therapy) course with Roger Callahan, a medical psychologist, in the late 1980’s and finding it too complex he developed this derivative and called it EFT.
As this technique uses words to dig in, you will get ah-ha moments. If something has played you for a while, this allows you to break free of what you may be doing to accommodate it, in order to get on with life as you would prefer to live it.
The EFT tapping technique is also known as:
Acupuncture Without The Needles
It gets remarkable results digging in and getting to the root cause of issues, without having to dredge over the past and have sessions forever and a day. It’s quick and this makes it so efficient, but you have to experience it to believe it.
It’s so easy to learn which lets you become your own expert (with practice) so you can apply it on an as and when basis.
Even kids are being taught to use it to curb their over-exuberance and as reported in the video below, it’s been found to increase their focus leading to improved grades.
Clearly if kids are learning it anyone can. This hands them, and you, a tool where they learn how to take responsibility for themselves while developing their awareness of others. Even the teacher feels less stressed:
Let’s Have A Chat
If this sounds like something you’d like to learn more about so you can become less stressed in your life, then just get in contact below:
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