Emotional eaters don’t always recognise it as such, because the habit was often formed way back and it’s just a subconscious process, but it’s more obvious when you set someone who just eats for fuel, next to an emotional eater.
It’s especially noticeable with the Full Plate Club that you can read about here.
Have you ever eaten when you weren’t even hungry, the answer is probably a resounding yes if you’ve been drawn to this article.
So what is it about emotional eating, why do it, has it a role to lose or gain control?
People who use food for comfort and emotional eating do so as a result of habit. That is clear and it’s likely you’d agree that if it’s something you do regularly then it’s turned into a habit. The great news with all habits, is that just as they were learned they can be unlearned and broken.
Are We Our Habits
Do you define yourself by your habits? People often do, especially where family are concerned but it boxes you in. When you define yourself as this, that and the other. Or conversely you might object and in trying to fight it, there is still resistance. Either way makes it difficult to focus on making the change required to feel and be different around a habit that is running you.
Is It A New Year Thing
I know it’s New Year and we all know people who make new year resolutions to change behaviours, but when they fail it’s often due to a lack of strategy (this was originally written back in January 2012 and updated now).
Just joining another dieting club (especially if this is a familiar route for you) is simply not enough.
So get strategic and start to ask yourself some searching questions, i.e. what can you do differently this time around?
One of your usual suspects could be enroll for another gym membership, but before you do that, how about finding a form of exercise you really love, because you’re far more likely to keep it going?
If you want a dietary system then make sure it has a method of healthy eating as it’s core programme and bring your attention to stopping the habit of trying to cheat it, because wanting to cheat a diet, is equal to cheating yourself, you must change your taste buds, and get back to regular eating. So cheating doesn’t help in addressing food cravings.
Combat Emotional Eating
If you want to learn a quicker technique that is great for addressing cravings then you won’t fall far short with the capability of EFT’s Emotional Freedom Techniques.
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Working with Jane
Changing unwanted patterns with all-things-food makes an enormous difference to everything else, especially how you feel about yourself.
When it comes to making better decisions, addressing what stops you is a very good place to start. Are you ready to take the plunge?
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