Where you have long-standing multiple disease conditions with decades of fluctuating weight issues going on, you might want to consider getting a Brain CAT Scan (cat scan) taken.
This can be arranged by you or us. Looking at the information for Weight Fluctuation helps to illustrate how ongoing weight and disease issues works and is why ingrained weight issues, need deeper work, otherwise they continue to get triggered.
We submit the scan for a reading to one of our medical specialists, which ultimately cuts down time spent looking for the issues that created this for you, because it identifies the types of conflicts and the age, so we know exactly where to start working with you from the get-go.
Brain CAT Scan
Where you have long-standing multiple disease conditions with decades of fluctuating weight issues going on, you might want to consider getting a Brain C.T. Scan taken. This can be arranged by you or us. Looking at the information for Weight Fluctuation helps to illustrate how ongoing weight and disease issues works and is why ingrained weight issues, need deeper work, otherwise they continue to get triggered.
We submit the scan for a reading to one of our medical specialists, which ultimately cuts down time spent looking for the issues that created this for you, because it identifies the types of conflicts and the age, so we know exactly where to start working with you from the get-go.
Let’s Have A Chat
If you want to explore this further just get in contact for a chat:
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