Help me lose weight is something people say all the time, and learning how to lose weight so that it doesn’t creep back on again is a massive step in the right direction.
There was a time when the global understanding was that going on a diet was the be-all-and-end-all of losing weight, but how wrong we were.
So where does that leave us now?
Help Me Lose Weight
This is the starting point, looking for help to address the issues around the problem. But here’s the bad news, as we may as well get it done and dusted.
And I want to help you get where you want to be in the fastest possible time. That news I just mentioned:
There are no quick fixes!!!
There I’ve said it. And you survived the revelation! Of course I know you already know this, I’m just playing because you’re actually your own expert.
I’m just affirming all the information you already acquired through your own blood, sweat and tears of putting yourself in the hands of another programme that gets you to where precisely?
Well where are you now, because that’s where they’ve all lead you down the years, and I know it’s years if you’re reading this, so bear with, as the lady says.
Weight Loss Solutions
I use some extraordinary tools, techniques and models of understanding that you have probably never heard of, and that’s okay because you can check out what people have said about using them with me here …
They allow a type of transformation the likes of which you’re unlikely to have encountered before. But they work exponentially if you meet them part way. I’ll teach you how, they’re easy to use.
The great thing about that is that you have them for life, you can use them with your kids, kids love them, they’re playful to use.
Do You Want Me To Help You Lose Weight
I understand if you’ve thrown yourself in time and again, and not got the results you wanted, I do. But this really is different, and you can find out for yourself in a variety of ways, because there are:
- 3-levels of membership
- 3-levels of workshops
- 3-levels of working one-to-one
What Do You Want To Change
Okay you want help, because whatever you’ve tried hasn’t got you there, so ask yourself these questions to help you really get into a sense of what you’re truly looking for to fix this:
- What do you want to be different?
- How does it look?
- What do you say to yourself about it?
- What do you hear others saying to you?
- How does it feel?
Finally stepping into a sense of who you’d like to be and the difference you’d like this to make, makes a huge difference, in setting the intention and letting your mind know what you want it to deliver for you.
Bear with me if it sounds a tad whacky, but this stuff works, knowing what you want to retrain your mind to deliver helps, and it’ll get you fully on board with your process for change too.
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If you haven’t already, join the newsletter and receive tips, news and up-to-date information about the mind:body connection in relation to weight loss.
Working with Jane
Changing unwanted patterns with all-things-food makes an enormous difference to everything else, especially how you feel about yourself.
When it comes to making better decisions, addressing what stops you is a very good place to start. Are you ready to take the plunge?
Let’s Have A Chat
If you’ve heard enough and want a chat to explore more, get in contact below:
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