[captionpix imgalt=”I Love Fashion” imgsrc=”http://www.kickthedietinghabit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/au-moulin-de-la-galette.jpg” captiontext=”When Things Fit You Again”]
Why is it that fashionable clothes look and feel so much better on us when we’re nearer our target weight than when we are over-sized and miserable about it?
Clothes That Fit
There is a case around feeling comfortable, but I’ve yet to discover whether its psychological or media led. I know how great it is to feel and look slimmer where fitting back into smaller sized clothes is concerned, especially in the looseness one feels, as though there’s room in your own skin to move around.
So why don’t we just buy a bigger size and be done with it. Maybe its the fault of the amazing invention of Lycra (and related elasticated fabrics) that did for us. Because of these fabrics and fibres we can kid ourselves into believing that a snug fit is flattering to our somewhat inflated figures. I know … that’s me that is 🙂 …
But not anymore I’m finding that wearing something that ‘actually’ fits, already feels better and maybe it’s because I’ve done some of the work on this (and me) so I’m actually more relaxed about being heavier than I’ve been before.
Fitted Clothes
But clothes are great aren’t they … they are an expression of who we are and there really is no need to be wearing a sack or Lycra leggings to show how disgusted we feel with ourselves. So lets hang up these tedious non-flattering threads and get experimental … so that our curvaceous forms can shine and emit sensuality regardless of the media’s so-called norm which seems to have turned into stick-thin. Not wishing to go on here, but we really need to give kids some better aspirational images.
[captionpix align=”right” imgalt=”I Love Fashion” imgsrc=”http://www.kickthedietinghabit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/edouard-manet-model.jpg” captiontext=”What Lays Underneath”]
It’s time to get out there and SHINE, be who you are NOW and tomorrow you may well require that smaller size. I think there’s a sense that until we embrace who we’ve become and enjoy it for what it is and for however long it lasts. Because once we hop on-board with the current reality we can stop living for a future that hasn’t yet happened, and stop kidding ourselves into thinking our problems will disappear once we slide into a size 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 or 20, or whatever the current landmark is.
In addition, if you have a good amount of weight to lose you’re not going to drop from an 20 to a 14 in one great leap. Therefore, it’s a good idea to embrace the ride and look forward to being a range of different sizes as you drop the weight, celebrating in style, as you head towards your ideal goal.
The Hidden Layers Of You
What is interesting about taking on any personal growth work is the emergence of an order we each need to work on before the next part of the puzzle unravels, and dropping the weight is often deeply embedded, where lots of surface issues have to be addressed first.
With this philosophy in mind it can make it challenging to say at what point the actual weight reduction commences, there are two ways with this dependent on how your weight piled on.
But this could well be one of the contributing factors as to why diets don’t work for most people, as other issues mask what’s really going on, and eating from a range of weight-loss programmes doesn’t resolve the underlying cause.
But what has your experience been like, your thoughts and ideas are more than welcome … 🙂 … It would be great to hear whether this resonates with you or maybe you’ve had a completely different experience in losing weight quickly and keeping it off. Please drop a line or make a comment.
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