Getting free of weight in the time honoured natural way, takes time and patience. But what if learning how to do this without the frustration, and hard graft that has often been associated with it?
You can start losing weight once you know how it’s occurred and it’s not always what you’ve been lead to believe. There are 3-levels provided here that teach:
- How weight loss and gain happens emotionally
- How you can change it without changing your eating or exercise habits
- How you can change what you eat naturally without having to force it and still lose weight
- How changing the anguish around weight loss makes the biggest difference
- How serious illness can be positively supported with a dietary approach
Here are the three levels we run here:
How To Get Slim (Level 1)
That using some of the best tools, techniques and models of understanding found anywhere today, will ultimately reduce the time spent in making change because taking a mind/body approach addresses the entire system simultaneously.
Taking the information found in the new-sciences, such as META-Health, ACE, EFT and Naturopathic Nutrition, allows you to get free of old worn-out eating patterns which do you no favours when it comes to achieving long-term weight loss. There is a good reason why you, and your clients yo-yo around weight gain, loss and gain again. Once you have that information it lets us off the hook of self-blame and feeling hopeless.
And the best news of all is that it’s all changeable, but working on it in the right way, as opposed to the wrong one is what makes the biggest difference of all. Using a diet to drop weight when you’ve not dealt with the underlying causes is what fails people, therefore a diet can be used, but not as the first port-of-call.
Click here to learn more …
Dates (2014): 23 August (1-day)
Price (2014 only): £50.00
CPD Hours: 6-hrs
Getting Slim (Level 2)
Gone are the days of needing to dredge over the past in too much detail, because that was then and you and your clients just want to clear any aspects from a previous experience that are still resonating in the energy system.
Having learned how and why you’ve not lost weight in the past is the first part of the conundrum, then in this second part you will apply all you’ve learned through practical exercises throughout the weekend in order to make the biggest difference in your own weight loss story.
This completely moves you away from old unwanted habits so you can get on-board with yourself, take the mystery out of the subject and change into new lifestyle patterns without falling back into your old ways.
There are plenty of take-away tools from the course, and lots of support to get you where you want to be.
Click here to learn more …
Dates (2014): 25-26 October (2-days)
Price (2014 only): £295.00 (early bird discounts £50.00 off)
CPD Hours: 12-hrs
There are plans to run the Level 3 from 2015, along with a 7-day retreat that would cover all three levels where all the levels are taught in a retreat format, where level 3 does include a one day fast and some daily yoga.
Let’s Have A Chat
If any of these workshops are of interest for yourself, or in your role of helping others, please get in contact to explore further:
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