[captionpix align=”left” width=”200″ imgsrc=”http://www.kickthedietinghabit.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/sad-couple-after-sex-250×3751.jpg” imgalt=”Low Self Esteem” imglink=”http://www.abcsimpleas.co.uk” captiontext=”Can Lead To Loss Of Appetite”]
As far as META-Health is concerned when it comes to weight gain there are two causes and effects.
(There may be more – I’ll keep you posted).
The two aspects have very different behaviours, and today I’m going to explain one of them which is fat related (the other is water and we’ll cover that another time).
The META-Health Model
The META-Health model is based on The Two Phases Of Disease process where there is a clear pattern in how the body gains fat.
To better demonstrate this, let’s run through the example of a relationship break-up that we touched on in the other post:
Stage 1:
The ‘norm’.
You’re in what you perceive to be a happy and loving relationship and life is good.
Stage 2:
A conflict shock occurs (UDIN) see below for the full definition.
One day out-of-the-blue your lover, partner, husband or wife tells you they want to finish the relationship, it’s over.
It comes as a big shock, right there and then you go into the fight/flight/freeze Autonomic Nervous System comes into play when it hears something completely unexpected. The body goes numb, you can hardly speak, time moves into slow-motion. It’s completely unexpected, dramatic, isolating and you’ve no coping strategy to deal with it and we call this the UDIN moment.
At this point the brain makes an almost immediate decision as to which organ it’ll filter the conflict into, which is dependent on a number of factors such as:
- Your personal perception (of the situation)
- Your psychology
- Your medical history up to that point
Just like anything you’ve ever experienced where there was more than one person in the experience, your perception of something can be (and probably is) completely different to someone else having the very same outward experience. And that difference lies in the above factors.
Stage 3:
The body goes into stress.
In our example the conflict-shock relates to feelings of not being good enough and low self-worth, where the adipose fat layer thins and weight loss is common. There will be a loss of appetite and a host of other symptoms.
Stage 4:
The Reversal Point is when something occurs to alleviate the original shock and the mind/body system feels relief as the person starts to feel better about what happened.
For fat (low self worth) conflicts, a good example is when you meet a new partner, feel happy again and now start to put the weight on again, because you’ve gone into the REGENERATION Phase where the fat layers reproduce again. This stage finds a sense of relief, yet the perceived threat (how you took the breakup) often remains unresolved (which leaves you open to repeating the pattern), a lack of trust develops which will affect the quality of the new relationship as well.
Stage 5:
The first part of the Second Phase where physical symptoms usually arrive, although with weight they’re not necessarily painful as they are with physical diseases.
Where fat loss occurred earlier this now starts to increase and the water that naturally collects anyway is accompanied by an increase of fat cells, which adds to the weight gain.
Stage 6:
The second part of the Second Phase is what would be the most painful (and precarious part) of a physical disease.
There is very little in the way of a Healing Crisis (HC) with weight issues, but if there are other physical symptoms connected to an existing diagnosed disease that has it’s own impact.
Stage 7:
The third part of the Second Phase is when someone would be going into the convalescence stage of a physical disease.
But the fat related weight issue gains even more fat at this stage. And the bodies water holds it in place which you’ll notice through swelling. This stage is when people often decide on an eating plan because they’re more likely to want wholesome foods.
Stage 8:
This is where someone is over the worst of an illness and has really ‘turned a corner’.
However, if the issues that kick-started the process have not been resolved and especially if they’ve been going round and round in a chronic cycle that you can relate to through this biological model, then the original conflicts need be to addressed otherwise nothing has really been resolved.
Stage 9:
Back to normal.
This is where the weight has piled on and you might have embarked on a diet, or done that and come off it again. If you’ve not had this pattern running for a long you’ve a good chance of succeeding, provided you adopt a sensible eating plan for life. If you want to join a diet and then return to your previous eating habits, then you’re unlikely to succeed. The real message being that you have to change your lifestyle and accept that.
This can be challenging and is what I help clients to overcome, by addressing the drivers behind unhelpful eating patterns. And the good news is IT’s NOT YOUR FAULT, it’s biological yey!
Weight Gain As A Biological Process
That’s one of the ways that weight gain works and of course there can be other things at play, such as a hormonal imbalance, which we can get checked out. You have disease symptoms such as high blood pressure, a diabetic diagnosis, or other disease diagnosis and these can be taken into consideration as part of the process, when you decide you want to look at the ‘whole’ picture, and it’s wisest too because you’ll find they’re all interconnected anyway.
A lot of the symptoms feature around how to have self-confidence but what created it in the first place and feeling differently are what you need to get cleared from so you can move on.
Hopefully the above model, demonstrates clearly why diets don’t work, as a stand-alone, just because the original conflict is holding the weight in place for protection of sorts, this is a subconscious process which makes it challenging to address with the conscious mind.
What Next
At KTDH you’ll have the chance to learn some of the best coping and clearing techniques on the planet (I kid you not).
Of course these can be applied at any stage of the above process, but it’s often only having gone through these patterns over and over again (where eating plans haven’t brought someone the long-term results they’ve really wanted) that they eventually look for something different.
Once you get-on-board to make the overdue changes that work much quicker than other methods and make eating a healthier regime so much easier to integrate. And it works because once the subconscious reasoning for holding onto the weight and the emotional issues that underpin the weight are shifted, everything get’s lighter, including you.
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Working with Jane
Changing unwanted patterns with all-things-food makes an enormous difference to everything else, especially how you feel about yourself.
When it comes to making better decisions, addressing what stops you is a very good place to start. Are you ready to take the plunge?
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