[captionpix align=”left” width=”200″ imgalt=”Anorexia Causes” imgsrc=”http://www.janeunsworth.com/wp-content/uploads/ss-anorexic-girl-250×340.jpg” captiontext=”Agonizing over the scales”]
Last time we looked at Anorexia symptoms and disease, but have you ever wondered about Anorexia causes and how it happens in the first place, after all who would chose it on a whim?
I remember way back, working with someone whose niece was dwindling away due to this condition. I heard stories of how she had been taken into hospital (for the umpteenth time) to be drip-fed and I felt for them. I heard later she didn’t survive, because her weight diminished to such a degree.
As a self-confessed foodie I really can’t imagine how that goes, but once I don my health practitioner hat things become clearer, little did I know back then. But let’s have a look at what META-Medicine tells us is going on with this condition shall we?
Anorexia Nervosa
This model looks for the underlying conflict that creates a disruption, pain or disease in a body’s system and understands how a conflict (not all conflicts lead to disease – but all disease comes from a conflict) strikes the brain and body simultaneously as similar shaped sodium rings form on the linked areas (brain and body organ). This triggers the body into the flight or fright reactions of illness-related stress throwing the body into Phase 1, the sympathetic stress phase.
When you have undergone medical tests and come away with a diagnosis, as much as your doctor’s medical practice will endeavour to support you as their patient, it’s also advisable to do some work on the emotional underpinning of your diagnosed disease. This is because there aren’t any conflicts-of-interest as far as your allopathic treatments go, and this usually helps enormously, you may even surprise your doctor – in a good way.
Your diagnosis is a great starting point for the work we do at ABC Simple As, and we’d always start by looking for what type of conflict the condition is, here we’re looking more closely at Anorexia Nervosa. We also find out which brain relay is affected, and what the person’s wiring is, as this determines the brain hemisphere they operate from and again narrows down what we’re looking for.
The importance of wiring
[captionpix width=”300″ imgalt=”Anorexia Causes” imgsrc=”http://www.janeunsworth.com/wp-content/uploads/5-areas-of-brain-cortex-500.jpg” captiontext=”5-Psychological Areas Of Brain Cortex”]
If you’ve been reading how META-Medicine works you’ll have a notion of the basics by now.
And we are always looking for the original UDIN or conflict/s that created a condition.
Anorexia is slightly more complex, only in that there is more than one conflict going on simultaneously.
In this case we’re searching for two conflicts that happened in a set chronological order, which is determined by the person’s brain hemisphere wiring.
What type of conflicts cause Anorexia Nervosa
This takes us to the psychological brain relays where there are five specific points on each side of the brain where each has a specific meaning.
Let’s take a right-wired female as our example!
For a right-wired person, Anorexia Nervosa starts with one of the five psychological female conflicts, stemming from a conflict specifically related to body image; these include something fearful a person heard, saw, felt. It could also be a sexual frustration, a female identity or a female territorial conflict.
Although these words have a standard meaning in our language, for the sake of searching for the origins of this condition, we are talking about the felt-sense or psychological reading that stems from a person’s belief system, previous life experience and attitude to all things.
Therefore, searching for the rational is not always appropriate, and the links can be tenuous, but the subconscious knows what it’s looking for and that’s all that counts here.
The 2nd UDIN
[captionpix align=”right” width=”300″ imgalt=”Anorexia Causes” imgsrc=”http://www.janeunsworth.com/wp-content/uploads/the-carpenters-with-nixon.jpg” captiontext=”Karen Carpenter Died Following Her Anorexia”]
Our right-wired person then has a second conflict, on the right brain hemisphere, which is related to one of the following stomach areas; a gastric ulcer, gastritis, bile duct, duodenum or pancreas.
I hope this helps to demonstrate how important it is to have a doctors medical diagnosis, in order to work on the right thing, from the start, because this is how we begin to address what needs the work. And my subsequent guidance is based on the information you provided, so the more specific you can be the better.
I hope this helps to demonstrate how this process works as each medical condition has it’s own specific areas, that we tease out to clear them from your system.
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Working with Jane
Changing unwanted patterns with all-things-food makes an enormous difference to everything else, especially how you feel about yourself.
When it comes to making better decisions, addressing what stops you is a very good place to start. Are you ready to take the helm?
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