Lets talk about the tricky subject of Vitamins and Minerals. I say tricky because on the Diet and Nutrition element of my degree course (back in the day) the experts could only agree on how unquantifiable their absorption is. They rarely agreed on the nutrients taken from our daily food and supplements because they’re such a slippery-customer when it comes to taking a measurement.
It is clear that we need our daily recommended intake, as the body is like a machine and certainly requires a regular consumption of fuel to repair and replenish the cells because each organ, muscle, bone and tissue goes about it’s regular renewal on a consistent basis throughout our lives.
US Natural Sizzling Minerals
So when it comes to seeking some additional help, what benefits do we assume we are receiving from them and do they really work?
Are They Really Necessary
Many of us eat a less than healthy diet and that may be one good reason to throw them into the mix because of the old cliche that they can’t do any harm or can they? Apparently you can have too much of a good thing but most products on the market are metal-based and therefore not that great at being absorbed into the bloodstream anyway.
But how much is enough? What minerals to take? Why do vitamins have all the press where minerals are overlooked. Are minerals the good guys without whom vitamin absorption is unlikely. What are they good for – as Edwin Starr once sang – although he was referring to a rather different battle?
Do They Really Work
I’ve been using a mineral supplement for over a year* and for me they made an enormous difference. I began using them when I was preparing for a trip to Antarctica last March. I knew it was going to be demanding, as we had a program that included camping on ice, kayaking and ice-climbing. I spent another 10-days traveling around Argentina and Chile and was away for almost 5-wks – my longest sojourn to date, but this meant I really needed to take care of my physical body, as we all know travelling is such fun but can be thoroughly exhausting.
They were introduced to me by a good friend who’d found them a great source of nutritional support when she went through a rocky divorce. I knew I needed a physical boost to help me deal with my impending Adventure and this proved to be it. My quality of sleep improved immediately and fitness levels began to rise as I was working on recovery from various injuries over the previous few years. I began by taking two daily for the first 3-mths and returned to that dosage while away on the trip. Since then I’ve enjoyed taking them on a regular basis and wouldn’t be without.
The Daily Intake
They’re marketed as Sizzling Minerals sourced in Utah and each soluble tablet (described as wafers) contains 600 mgs of approximately 75-minerals. The 7-major minerals and 68 trace minerals found in each ‘wafer’ = the daily recommendation. So what’s different about them and why go all the way to Utah to find what you need when you can so easily pop round to the local store and pick up any manner of supplementary concoction right off the shelf?
Sizzling Minerals are different because they are plant-derived and grown in a high quality organic soil to preserve and ship their nutrients in as much of an unhindered and natural state to arrive in-tact at your door.
Kick Start The Habit
Everyone is recommended to begin by kick-starting your system with a double dosage and sometimes you might return to that, perhaps when a busy schedule leaves you feeling in need of extra supplementary support. After the first month you can resort to a daily tablet. They absorb directly into your water bottle and can be transported around easily because they are wrapped in foil which keeps them fresh until opened. They can be found in various fruit or natural flavours.
I can recommend them from experience and if you’re looking for a highly effective mineral supplement that enables vitamin/mineral absorption then why not give them a go. Check them out and by all means sign up.
If you have any questions, please drop a comment to let me know your thinking on the subject.
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